Friday, 26 June 2020


This isn't a spacecraft model design I know but I love the box art!

The Star Probe kit by Lindberg. This is the Spanish version.

Anyone recognise it?


  1. I remember that! Lindberg's 'Star Probe' line. The original kits were from the late 50s. Last reissued around 2007? The Star Probe reissues came out in the UK just after Star Wars came out (in the shops around 78/79?) The USS Explorer was originally called the Multi-Stage rocket. They also reissued the line in the late 60s as 'Mars Probe'. The same model was also used for their Communication satellite rocket but had a different nose cone/final stage. The line also consisted of a weird looking 1950s iron girder like Space Shuttle and a circular Space station. IIRC Lindberg also issued their flying saucer glow in the dark kit around the same time, but not as part on the Star Probe line. All great fun but looked a bit old fashioned post Star Wars.

    1. Great summary Yorkie, thanks for that. So it goes all the way back to the 50's eh! Wow! heritage. Yeah, I suppose Star Wars re-wrote the design book didn't it.

  2. I have three of these kits. The 3 stage rocket, the lunar lander with spherical tanks and the wheel shaped space station. Great 1950s style designs, but bought in the late 1980s.

    1. Brilliant Mish! If you ever want to show them off on Moonbase just email me a couple of snaps!

  3. Ive got the Star Probe version of Explorer and had the Moon Shuttle too. Great, but simple kits and based loosely on Werner Von Braun and Willy Leys designs
