Saturday, 6 June 2020


Hi Woodsy

I saw your earlier post about LN Brand Plastic Cars, and thought -  I had one of these!

I found it when looking for my Fairylite Road Construction Set. 

It does not have any markings to identify the maker, just MADE IN HONG KONG, and NO.308. But it is the same style as the models shown, and has the same type of wheels, with gold centres. 

The top carded example in your post shows three cars - the front one is the same as this model. Mine seems to be missing its dashboard - not sure if I still have the part floating about somewhere. 

Body dark red, seat orange, top white, steering wheel green, black wheels with plastic axles and gold spokes, gold levers, and gold radiator. Length 77 mm.

A nice little model, and a good runner, just not too sturdy. This is the only example from the series I have. 

I think it originally came on a card, but would not swear to that.

Yours Sincerely,

Paul Adams
New Zealand


  1. I'll just say I have four posts on these coming! Just so you don't think I'm parking on your lawns! Most of them are French or American though....


    1. Moonbase doesn't have a lawn Hugh. Just regolith raked neatly! ha ha. Look forward to more LN on Small Scale World!

  2. Lovely car Paul. I wonder if the modek number might link it to the LN make?
