Wednesday, 17 June 2020


This is fun.

On YT, its a 2 minute plus clip of Mexican Billy Blastoff toys gathered on a lunar surface by fan Ricardo Campos.

Billy Blastoff was called Capitan Boy in Mexico and released by prolific toy firm Lili Ledy.

The film-maker Ricardo is clearly passionate about his Billy as he's schlepped them all way onto the Parangueo volcanic lake-crater in Central Mexico to get his moonscape.

When I first saw this clip I was extra excited as I thought it might be linked to one I found a few years ago on You Tube, which I blogged at the time. 

It was a TV ad of the less-well known little brother of Capitan Boy called Mini Capitan Boy, who even comes with Tri-ang SpaceX-styled toys!

The Parangueo clip up top isn't connected to the Lili Ledy TV ad but I appreciate the crater moonscape nonetheless.

Have you got any Lili Ledy toys or Billy Blastoff or indeed Capitan/ Mini Capitan Boy?

1 comment:

  1. Its a great landscape, would be ideally suited to Major Matt too!
