Sunday, 21 June 2020


Although we must remember Covid 19 is very much still with us, lockdown restrictions are slowly easing around some parts of the world, and the many businesses that have managed to weather the storm are trying to get back up to speed.  A case in point is Sixteen 12 Collectables who, having got their new website up and running just before the shutdown  are working hard to get orders processed now that the foreign companies they deal with are up and running again.

Good news for the many of us, myself included that enjoy Sixteen 12’s output, and hopefully their next scheduled release, The ‘Earthbound’ Episode Die-Cast Set, will be sent out just as soon as they can.  

In spite of all the lockdown problems, of the original run of 1500 units, there is apparently less than 30 ‘Earthbound’ sets left on the Sixteen 12 site, so they’re obviously proving popular.

Moving forward, the following Space: 1999 set due for release later in the year is the ‘Infernal Machine’ Episode Set, featuring two of the Alpha Tanks. These are currently in development with brand new tooling; my photos show the prototype models.

Further models to be released feature a SHADO Interceptor with a launch crater display and Moonbase background; prototype model pictured.

Both the Infernal Machine and Interceptor sets' will have an early bird discount offer on the Sixteen 12 site beginning 1st July.

Here's a link to the new Sixteen 12 website:


  1. Sixteen 12 come up trumps as usual. I'm looking forward to their Dragon's Domain set and Micro-Eagle & launchpad.


    1. Yes, they've got some super stuff coming up.
      I already done prototype photos of their Dragon's Domain set and Micro Eagles sets. Both sets look great, but I reckon the Micro Eagle sets will prove very popular.
