Sunday, 7 June 2020


I was checking Todocollecion for the Bullycan aircraft carrier I got a few years back and was really surprised to see it in a Bullycan catalogue ..... dated 1987!

Wow! You could still get something SpaceX-inspired as late as 1987! That's just two years before my collecting bug was kicked off by the Michael Keation batman movie in '89! I could have got a brand new one. I even went to Majorca in the early 90's!

Is there anything SpaceXy/ Apollo Moon Exploringy even later still brand new? LP-inspired baggy's made in China maybe?

Such is the circle of a toy life!

Here are two pics borrowed from the listing.

The aircraft carrier  - yellow - aka Portaviones - is bottom left.

The catalogue is 37 pages so it could well still advertise the three spacecraft on the carrier, which also came separately on a blister card and were branded Aviones Cosmicos or Space Planes.

Anyone got this catalogue?


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand6/07/2020 7:34 pm

    The carrier is certainly colourful; however I like the car ferry to the right, although the vehicles look to be rather a tight fit.

    1. I bought a very similar carrier on Germany's Baltic coast about 10 years ago Paul. Lovely big toy.

  2. Toy catalogs are a collection I wish I had started when I could. I worked at a toy store in the mid-1970s, and when the store closed in 1980, the boss offered us the left-over stock, and he had also stacks and stacks of catalogs in his office. I was almost going to take them, but nooooooo… Lots of rare import catalogs, including one of my favorite "off" brands of die-cast cars, Lone Star - Impy! There were also unopened cartons of Kenner Star Wars figures... DOH! Live and learn...

    1. Oh Zigg, that's one of the best If Only tales I've heard! I sympathise!
