Sunday, 31 May 2020


Mister Frog is our new Lockdown friend.

He or indeed she has moved into "1 Old Sink Street" at the top of our garden!

We chat about stuff. Socially distanced of course!

Any book we mention he usually says reddit!

Have you got any garden mates?


  1. Lovely photo Woodsy, the best garden mate you could ever have! (Suddenly missing Philosophic Toad).

  2. Got foxes, squirrels and birds. I put up a bird box on the back porch and I think it's inhabited now.

  3. Put up a bird box years ago it has always been empty. I suspect I'll have to pay an unoccupied dwelling premium to the council soon.

    1. Are you sure you didn't leave a dalek in there too by mistake Kev! ha ha

  4. We have a hanging pot with a dead plant in it that this spring Eastern Phoebe birds have used as a nest. There are several young in there. That's hanging eight feet across our deck from a hanging Hummingbird feeder that attracts a series of visitors.

    The strangest thing of all was last week when we were driving down a country road what I thought was a dead leaf fluttered onto our windscreen settling on the wiper blade. When I looked closer it was a frog?

    We stopped a few hundred yards on by a swampy area and my wife lifted it off and placed it by the side of the road.

    1. Where the next car ran over it and squashed it like a pancake. (I do hope not - I like frogs.)

    2. Wonderful Don Martin imagery. Thank you Kid. When we left the creature was heading towards the water.

  5. Thanks for the photos Terran. Windscreen Frog will be visible here at 10.25am UK Time. Maybe he wanted to be flipped upwards by your wiper and join the new Space Station team!
