Thursday, 30 April 2020


Dear Woodsy

Your post on the marvelous Eldon 3-D Scenic kits made me think of this set of Quaker Oats "Space Flight to the Moon" cereal premiums from 1953. Each size of a postcard and built up as a three-dimensional diorama, for me they represent the best of 1950's space graphics. For someone with an affection for pop-up books, there's that dimension as well.

The dioramas have undergone a bit of a "space warp" under the years, but are all still complete. The original owner even saw the trouble of cutting explanatory texts from the side of the cereal packet and gluing them to each frame.

John Sisson has covered the whole set on his wonderful Dreams of Space blog



  1. Classic 'jet age' spaceship, Arto. From the period before rockets became the common currency, the aerodynamic shapes dominated the space vision. Lovely things and quite rare I would imagine!

  2. They're great. I did copy one or two of the Dreams of Space images, planning to print out and make a small version, but haven't got around to it yet.

  3. Fantastic collection of vintage sci fi ephemerals, Arto. I can see why these would've appealed to kids from the fifties... and why they appeal to people like us, now. Quite an achievement to find them complete and in such good condition :)

  4. Thanks guys, I was sold instantly when these came up on eBay some years ago. They would make a beautiful pop-up book too!
