Thursday, 2 April 2020


I love recycled toys.

Seeing old toy parts on other old toys gives me a buzz.

I admire all efforts to spot them and share them online.

One of the best repositories of such fab spottings is Paul Vreede's amazing Trian-ang SpaceX website.

One of his brilliant finds is the recycling between the SpaceX P3 Security Copter and the Golden Wings Copter Pilot carded toy.

I haven't found anything remotely as interesting but here's something that I thought was slightly similar at first glance.

These rotors look a bit like the P3's but only a bit!

Its the die-cast Remote Control Chopper by Arco. I would say from the 1980's but I'm not sure of the date.

There are a few of these of Ebay past and present.

The Arco range includes a tank and a jet fighter as well.

Here's the SpaceX Helicoper P3 on an old Worthpoint auction.

You seen rotors like that readers?

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