Tuesday, 31 March 2020


I posted this unusual Japanese Mr. Tomy airport pilot set the other day.

So I had to look twice when I saw this toy!

The box is just so similar. It's a lovely tinplate airport fork lift with a really cute Quality Toys crate bound for New York.

I assume PAA is what I knew as Pan Am.

The old Indiana auction description describes the make as SSS International -  I think.


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand3/31/2020 11:29 am

    PAA is Pan American Airways, commonly known as Pan Am. The airport set is very nice. The plane looks rather like a Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet, apart from only have two engines. The opening cargo door in the side is also a nice touch. The markings on the side of the plane seem to be JAL - Japan Air Lines.

    1. Thanks Paul. they are nice toy sets. I found a similar plastic set in a charity shop last year for our Grandson. Its from the 70's by Arco. I'll blog it soon. Do you have charity shops in NZ?

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand4/01/2020 10:53 am

    Yes, Salvation Army, SPCA, various others, but there is very little in the way of old toys, and I have only managed to find a handful over the decades. I did get a 1970s Matchbox Speed Kings K-23 Mercury Commuter a couple of months ago, I think it was $12, the only interesting thing in the whole shop. Also the odd book or DVD. I get most of my old toys and models at fairs, but it is clearly going to be a while before we see any of these again. The first toy fair of the year (at least in Auckland) was due a couple of weeks ago, but was cancelled - I had been looking forward to it for months.

    1. Is Ebay called Ebay in NZ Paul? Do you use Ebay?

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand4/03/2020 9:31 am

    Never bought anything off Ebay, or any of the other sites. Although I do use them for reference, just wish the people doing the listings knew what they were talking about - many basic errors. There is a local site called Trade Me. Most of what I have bought on the internet has been from the excellent Book Depository, or Amazon uk.

    1. Is Trade Me the same as Ebay Paul? Auctions?

  4. Paul Adams from New Zealand4/03/2020 11:04 am

    As far as I know. People list things, and sell them. If not exactly the same, very similar. Just looked them up. The company was founded in 1999, and is based in NZ, not overseas. It was sold a while back to a larger company, but still operates. They do list toys. I have never bought anything off an auction site, or placed a bid. Did go to a real auction once, but not many toy auctions in NZ that I know of, but again that is not my area. I do go to fairs/swapmeets when I can. All cancelled at the moment, obviously.

    1. I've been buying and selling on Ebay since 2000 when it first started in the UK Paul. I would never have completed my Project SWORD collection without Ebay. It has been huge fun to buy and sell online. There have been some bothersome stuff but in the main its been smooth sailing for well over 3000 transactions. You should dip your toe in!
