Wednesday, 4 March 2020


I was recently discussing time and space with a young teenager.

Given that infinity is a mathematical idea and eternity a time-based idea, he wondered if all maths information was swallowed by a black hole would this mean that eternity had in effect brought about the end of infinity?

Musing further he pondered the problem of time itself entering black holes. Could black holes swallow eternity? If so what would be left when no time exists?

We riffed around people and time and he mused that if humans didn't exist at all then time wouldn't exist, as its a human construct.

If time didn't exist then what is actually out there? Neverending space without time?

After all this heavy thinking we had a game of footy!


  1. Time and space are really the same stuff. Not sure black holes swallow all information, you can measure their mass, charge and angular momentum I believe

  2. It is fascinating stuff Kev. You must have heard questions like that all the time at school. To bone up a bit for the next raft of questions about this I've just read Its as clear as quantum mud!

  3. For my own contribution ('cos I'm too tired to type it all out again) see

    1. I found the time and avoided any local black holes and read your post Kid which I enjoyed a lot. Commented there.

    2. Ta, Woodsy. Replied to ya. I sometimes think my mind is a 'black hole', 'cos things tend to get lost in there.

  4. I'd say the actual measurement of time is a human construct, or the conceptual idea of it, but the physical process would proceed with or without human intervention - things will still age, decay, be created and expand in the fabric of the universe. The film Interstellar deals nicely with black hole theory, showing the displacement theory to very graphic effect. Its a bit like if a tree falls in a forest and theres nobody around to hear it, does it make a sound ? Total twaddle, as of course there is a sound, the air displaced by the moving object will generate sound waves, just because thees no human ear there to perceive them, doesnt mean they arent there. Its a human trait and an act of hubris to assume that things will only be 'real' just because people are involved. The universe has managed remarkably well for eons without their input!

    1. How do you know its managed so well Wote? You weren't there!
