Thursday, 12 March 2020


Seeing this Flash Gordon Battle Rocket again on the Bay reminded me how I once thought it was similar to a fave collectable of mine, the T in a Circle Space Car, but more of that later.

The Battle Rocket is a wind-up clockwork [can I say that, wind-up clockwork?] toy made by Nasta in 1976. The Ebay description says its a rare white variant of the normal grey. I'm not up enough on this toy to know if that's right or not but I'll check the blog archive. We've covered this toys a couple of times in the last ten years.

Overall I actually quite like the look of it. Do you?

Having searched the blog I found the grey version posted in 2010 no less. It's in its blister pack.

My old post, Saturday Night Fever, besides mentioning the similarity to the T in a Circle Space Car, also included a link to the Mongo Museum. Alas, that's a dead link now and the site is also defunct. Its captured on the Wayback Machine but sadly no photographs of toys including the two Nasta variants. There's a Larami toy mentioned too, which I'll have to check out elsewhere.

It's a strange feeling finding that links and sites are dead from back when my blog first kicked off. I wonder what the average lifespan of a blog is? I have a feeling blogs are less relevent now in this social media-driven world. Having said that my Flash Gordon post 10 years didn't get any comments so maybe this Nasta toy just isn't that interesting!

As for Nasta itself there have been just a few mentions on the blog over the years, mostly about a Huff n Puff Railway set.  Have you or did you have any Nasta toys?


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand3/12/2020 10:10 am

    I have never even heard of Nasta before. It is certainly a nice looking toy. I only discovered Moonbase Central a little over a month ago, so everything, even the older posts, is new to me. Not everyone is into social media - even the term is alien to me. Keep the posts coming, I love the site/blog - whichever is the proper term.
