Friday, 28 February 2020

1960's Childhood Memorabilia Gift Pack

Not wanting to plug this set but if like me you liked Ellisdons Mail Order of Liverpool when you were a nipper then this maybe for you. 

This set, which used to be sold in Pastimes shops [where I got mine years ago] contains lots of high quality repro copies of catalogues and cards and stuff.

There's Action Man, Sindy and... a complete vintage Ellisdons catalogue copy.

For pure nostalgia its worth the price as I don't think you'd get an original for the same. Anyways, just letting you know:


  1. H'mm, I might avail myself of this. Ta for the heads-up.

  2. The packs are widely available in museum shops etc. The one I have seen (not this one) was very well done.
