Saturday, 18 January 2020


As I often find, questions arising from our hobby can often be found already answered somewhere online since so many great bloggers are out there doing in-depth research, particularly into anything to do with the world of Gerry Anderson. You just have to find it.

For some time I've been trying to find out what happened to Stripey, the striped mini from the comic Candy and Andy. It was released as a die-cast Dinky car called Stripey the magic Mini.

Googling and browsing some time ago I co-incidentally came across a fabulous series of articles by erstwhile Century 21 Publishing's Roger Perry on the brilliant Bear Alley blog.

Over a series of 20 or so articles on Bear Alley Roger details his time working in comics and reading Part 5 I couldn't believe my eyes. 

Roger organised the Candy and Andy comic strips and more importantly had hold of Stripey the mini!

You can read first hand on Bear Alley what happened to Stripey, as well as the two dolls and bearandas and everything for that matter, in Roger's own words in Part 5 of his Bear Alley Perry's Picture Posts. Like I did, enjoy!


  1. Good gosh, imagine having Stripey as your "second car!" It must have been truly magical to work in the field of pop culture/television/publishing in that time period - although I bet Perry and Co would say "it was just a job...". Wonderful research!

    1. ha ha, I know. I'd loved to have had Stripey as well. He musy have been gutted when he handed it over. the question remains, what happened to it when it went to the exec's kid as a gift?

  2. Hi Woodsy.
    Just clicked on the link you gave for the Candy and Andy car quest, but all that comes up is a contemporary picture of the mini, not an article about what happened to the car.
    Have I done something wrong ?

    1. Your'e right Mish. Doh! Fixed it now.
