Friday, 24 January 2020


De-cluttering reveals stuff. I'd forgotten about this Spacial Agent set I had.

In its clear baggy and with a generic header for pocket money type toys, I think I bought it from a Newsagents for 99p in the late 90's.

I was fascinated by spy and agent toys as a nipper and this continued into adulthood. I picked up attache cases and agent sets wherever I could. It was fun selling them on.

I will have squirreled this set away for posterity and now it's surfaced it's part of our latest Ebay sales.

The contents appear to be general agent toys and similar cuffs, pistol, radio and ID card appeared in countless spy sets right into the noughties. Not sure if they're that popular now as the allure of cold war spies and the FBI may have waned in the minds of modern kids.

Did you - do you like spy and secret agent toys?

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