Monday, 6 January 2020


During our recent New Year trip away I had to walk by a few nice Charity Shop items that 20 years ago I wouldn't have hesitated snaffling for my old toy stall and Ebay business. I've already too much clutter and we are meant to be downsizing at some point so I have to pass on many temptations.

This was one, the Star Wars Electronic Galactic Battle game. It was nicely boxed but had a Y-Wing missing. £8. I passed for reasons explained.

Similarly this plastic box light with an R2D2 design was neat. £5.

Most expensive of all in one of the Charities was this loose  plastic battery-operated 1994 OCP Interceptor from the Robocop TV series, along with the action figure. £10.

I regret not getting them all but that's the insatiable magpie in me.

Would you have taken a punt on any or all of them readers?

As an aside I recall vividly seeing the Robocop TV series plastic vehicles way back in 1994 when they were brand new in the shops. I was in Karstadt, a German department store and I held the above toy in its box, along with the Tactical Field Ambulance below. I didn't get them because we didn't have enough room in the suitcase and I thought I'd pick them up in a UK toy store. I never did!


  1. You were wise to avoid the Star Wars toys, as the current market saturation and downturn in the franchise popularity, would mean they would not be viable as investments. Plus they are far too recent. The Robocop toy is nice, but more of a niche market. Ive got the Ed-209 toy, which is good, but not exactly valuable!

    1. I would have put them away for to mature for 10 years in the past Wote. Maybe longer. I used to think ahead!

  2. One of the reasons one of my New Years Resolutions is to avoid window-shopping on eBay (lets see how long that lasts!) is because I don't want to be tempted by toys and models and other goodies, because I too am trying to downsize! I don't want to have a house full of cool stuff when I'm too old to appreciate it!

    1. Its hard Zigg! So many temptations out there! Its against our nature to stop collecting!

    2. As a lifelong hoarder, I heartily agree with you! But I have actually made some progress this past year. I realize that I ain't going to be able to do anything with a lot of this stuff in a few years, and I have nobody to pass it on to, so I either find a good home for it now, or let the fates decided when I am long gone...

      This past year, I got rid of a ton of VHS tapes and some DVDs, and also a lot of books. The toys and models are going to be MUCH harder to sort out...

    3. I'm trying to sell a load of VHS tapes on Ebay at the mo Zigg but I'm not holdinbg my breath. I just don't want to throw them out! Charity shops won't take them anymore!
