Monday, 23 December 2019


 Phew - ten year blog anniversary disappeared, Christmas round the corner and here we are at the Lord of Sword's 59th Birthday once more! Where does time go ? It doesn't seem like five minutes since I first met Woodsy - having corresponded for some time by email, we finally met at Preston Station and went for a coffee in Bruccianis Cafe, That must have been a good 15 years ago at least, but it could be yesterday.
Woodsy has since been my closest friend and confidant and has unstintingly given his time and generosity and brought me onboard with the blog and invited me to Moonbase and along with his wonderful wife kept me endlessly entertained, fed and watered for much needed vacations, inspired and supported me through my degree and Masters at University and kept me roaring with laughter over the years by email and skype. I on the other hand am a useless mate, who forgets his birthday every year, delivers substandard cards and can't be relied upon to organise a riot. But I do recognise how much of a fabulous fellow he is and would just like to thank him for just being there, on a daily basis at the end of an email, to listen to me moan, whine, cuss and ponder life's intractable complexities and always restore my faith in human nature. So have a great birthday matey, heres to the big 60 next year!

1 comment:

  1. Phew, where's my hankies! Thanks a lot Billster. I really enjoyed your sub-standard card and gift this year! ha ha
