Tuesday, 31 December 2019


As 2019 draws to a close I thought I’d look back this some of the Anderson related fan gatherings that stood out for me and I was lucky enough to attend this year.

One was the Smallspace 8 event which took place in the picturesque village of Hanslope near. Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire.

Strictly speaking it was more about celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing.

 As it would have been Jon Pertwee’s 100th Birthday too, 3rd Doctor lookalike, Scott Goodman was on hand to pose with other special guests.

However, as always Anderson was well represented with models by David Sisson and others.

Another meet up was at this year’s, Fab Worlds of Anderson, at the Leicester National Space Centre.

Thanks to all the contributors and helpers this event, just like the year before was full of fabulous models and a record number of original puppets.

The main arena was dominated by the first showing of a huge model of Thunderbird 2 complete with hangar, Tracy Island Cliff House, runway and rising launch ramp.
This ambitious undertaking was built by Ben ten Westenend, a brilliant scale modeller who hails from the Netherlands. He and his assistant Robert Zijderveld brought this and several other models for display, all the way by car.

The Thunderbird 2 model is actually 4” longer than the original studio prop which was apparently 36”.

This year also marked the last two-day Fanderson event, Supercelebration, and I reckon it was just that, a super celebration, and great meet up with some old friends and some great guests including Dee Anderson, the late Sylvia’s daughter.

2019 marked the 50th anniversary of The Secret Service.

As to 2020, I don’t know if there are any dedicated Fanderson events planned. We, fans have certainly been treated this year and certainly my thanks go to all the organisers, contributors, guests and most importantly, the people who make it all worthwhile –the fans who attend!

For those who don’t, or can’t go for one reason or another, I hope my occasional posts on them in some way help you to enjoy them vicariously.

Forward to 2020 and an Anderson future.


  1. They certainly have Scoop, and that is one great reason - among others - to keep following the Moonbase Central. Not to mention all the beautifully illustrated Space: 1999 merchandise updates.

    So thank you for the year past and party like it's Space: 1999! And Have a Happy 2020!

    1. Many thanks, Arto, and all the best for 2020.
