Sunday, 13 October 2019


Its funny how you recognise actors in films and series years apart. Years apart when you saw them and when they were made too.

Watching Space 1999 off and on this week, which is currently on the UK Horror Channel evenings, I noticed two people I recognised immediately from the world of films.

The scientific chap in 1999 is played by one Barry Morse. With his unmistakable voice and looks I knew I'd seen him before and then I remembered. He's the tailor in the old Amicus horror film anthology Asylum.

Its the segment where the tailor has to produce a sinister suit for Peter Cushing but only work at night! Fabulous stuff and looking online at Barry's career he starred in countless films and series including The Fugitive with David Janssen, which I think I remember. Asylum is one of my favourite horror anthologies!

In another episode of 1999 a dark haired fellow, Zoref, becomes possessed by an alien and eventually walks into what I think is Alpha Bases's atomic reactor. 

I saw a much older version of that actor only this week as well when I watched the all-action flick John Wick 2, starring Keanu Reeves. The actor is of course Ian McShane, who went on to play Lovejoy on the telly in the 80's. Apparently he shared a flat with John Hurt in the Sixties.

Have you seen actors in wildly different things?


  1. I'm sure I saw Jeremy Brett (Sherlock Holmes) as a Viper pilot in Galactica 80?

    1. Youre right Kev. Just looked it up! Finished my MOLAB so I'm at a loose end!
