Tuesday, 29 October 2019


A few photos of my Product Enterprise Skydiver die-cast model using the same diorama I used for my recent Stingray shoot. The set up has to be dismantled today as I'll be using my garage workshop for more mundane things like making window frames and gates, but before I do I couldn't resist taking a few shots of the SHADO submarine.

Dive, dive, dive!


  1. I like the cloudy effect coupled with darkness, distance and depth. Very realistic. Good stuff, Scoop :)

    1. Thanks Tony. When it comes to taking photos of models in dioramas thesedays I do attempt to get a realistic look. Sometimes it works and sometimes not, but the fun is in the trying.

  2. Ace stuff as always, Scoop. How do you get the haze look so realistic?

    1. Thanks Arto. The haze is a measured use of my smoke machine, tinted lighting, and some time lapse photography.

  3. Great pics Scoop. Always makes me wish they'd made a larger diecast Sky One, as it's one of my favourite Anderson vehicles. Are you listening Sixteen12? :)

    1. Thanks Yorkie. Yes, a larger die-cast Sky 1 would have been good. According to their website, Sixteen 12 are toying with the idea of doing a larger highly detailed studio scale Skydiver, but I don't know what the cost might be.

    2. Ha ha. That would be thousands. Couldn't afford that. Sixteen 12's sales plan seems to be to the older collector with loads of money. I've always wanted say a 1/72 scale Sky One. Wish Airfix had made one, the old Imai toy is pretty bad. Maybe Eaglemoss will do a Gerry Anderson collection one day. :)

    3. A 1/72 scale one would be great. I've got an Imai one which as you say is quite inaccurate. The Aoshima reissue has a slightly better nose intake though.

  4. Needs some bubbles and a huge goldfish in the foreground mate! Just kidding it's a great set as always - could even be screencaps from the original series. Keep em coming buddy!

    1. Ha, ha! Thanks Mike. Oddly enough I did experiment using clear glass with bubbles painted on it to create the illusion, but to be honest it looked better without it. Even if I had a thin tank with a pump in it I couldn't use real bubbles at they would just appear as a blur as each exposure can take up to thirty seconds.

  5. Nice shots!
    Have you considered Photoshopping in some oversize bubble elements, to make these look exactly like the original footage?

    1. Thanks Lewis. Regarding bubbles, no, to be honest I try to keep any photoshopping to a minimum, as I reckon it generally doesn't look natural. When I look at photos of real life submarines underwater things just look atmospherically murky.

  6. Excellent photos Scoop!! Definitely well worth the effort! I had a fog machine sitting unused here for years but got rid of it. You know The Cave is also home to my train layouts and the general consensus among the train community is "don't do it". Apparently the oil leaves a hard to clean film on everything including the track. And I don't smoke so there's goes the whole moody fog thing. :-)

    1. Thanks Ed. I can't say I've had a problem with residue from the smoke machine, although when I do use it which is infrequently it is only in the garage and there's generally a film of sawdust on everything in there anyway.:)

  7. Superb as usual Scoop but these maybe some of your best shots. My favourite is the last one where the two parts are detaching in the murk. So realistic it could be from the TV series!

    1. Thanks Woodsy. The last one was done about 8.00pm at night, and apart from a single source of blue tinted light the garage was completely dark. I wanted the picture to look as if it was very deep waters.

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