Saturday, 26 October 2019


I saw this little unidentified charm online and thought I'd blog it.

An iconic shaped vehicle and one I knew straight away.

You recognise it readers?


  1. Cant remember exactly.
    Weren't they called Gyro Racers, or something and had a kind of gear toothed pull strip to set the wheel spinning and make the car race off ?

    1. Yep it had what they called a rip-cord, I had a version in blue, the only toy car to cover 100 meters in less time than a sprinting child could - Mark J Southcoast Base

    2. Yeah. I think i remember ripcords and gyros guys. Pullin that cord was fun.

  2. It's a version of the Pink Panther's Panthermobile - or whatever it was called - isn't it?

    1. Now that's what I thought straight away. Pink Panther mobile. I think I had a Corgi or Dinky one.

  3. That's an SSP by Kenner.It appears to be a prototype or test shot.

    1. Actually that is not an SSP toy. A couple of clues that it is not are the wheel which is essentially a circular metal slab while SSP wheels had a rubber wheel on them an the inner hub was not as thick. This toy only has 1 hole to insert the zip strip in. SSP's have a hole on each side of the wheel so it oesn't matter if you're left or right handed.

      Looking at the shape of the hole, this is a cereal premium. Quite a few cereals had their own versions of SSP in them, most having the flywheel up front but given this design limitations, the only space available would have been the back of the car.

      This is actually a shot of the RPX Racer that was available in Pink Panther Flakes in 1973. Here's a wonderful commercial demonstrating it

      Some nice footage inside and out

    2. Fab Lance. Great ID'ing and background. I was aware of the Pink Panther design but the rest is new to me. Thanks for sharing. I adore the TV ad for the RPX Racer. That nails it! I'd have loved one in 1973 too!
