Friday, 11 October 2019


This is a friend's modern toy.

A plastic illuminated replica of the glove worn by super-baddie Thanos in the Avengers movies.

The lights represent the Infinity Stones, the most powerful objects in the universe I think.

Its the sort of thing I'd have loved as a kid as well. Would you?

It recalls the clunky plastic Knights' armour I adored in the Sixties.

Did you have any toy armour?

1 comment:

  1. I had the Roman breastplate, shield, helmet and sword with scabbard... One Halloween I wore that to school with a skirt made by my grandmother and a purple cloak which was a towel clasped by sorta curtain rings. I was Julius Cesar. I also had pants to wear under my skirt when not in full... drag... I guess.
    I had a duel with a kid who was wearing the knight' armor version and claiming to be King Arthur. This was inconclusive.
