Thursday, 31 October 2019


Another first, or in this case second issue of legendary status, was and is issue 2 of the British poster magazine Monster Mag.

I adored Monster Mag and had all of the posters on my bedroom wall. I still have some of the mags in my boxes in the attic!

But, like most MM fans, I never had issue 2. Alas, deemed too strong for young British sensibilities, Her Majesty's Customs destroyed the lot when they arrived from the printers overseas.

And so issue 2 of Monster Mag became like the proverbial rocking horse doo doo.

That is until erstwhile publishers Dez Skinn and Roger Cook regrouped and re-published issue 2!

Here's the admittedly rather grim cover: 

You can read all about another fan's sentimental journey to acquire Issue 2 and how he went on to interview Mr. Skinn

You can also read about all of Dez Skinn's Monster Mags and how to get hold of these gruesome tomes on his own website

Did you or do you have any Monster Mags readers?

Happy Hallowscream!

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