Monday, 16 September 2019


Hi Woodsy

I've this year moved these giant chess pieces into my studio space near Sheffield after having them moved over from Wales.

Feel free to blog. 

I'm examining the layers of paint to see if I can see if these are the pieces used in UFO's Timelash episode. 

Also check out Moon City Garbage website for posts on the Deadlier Than The Male chess set. 

I was interested because friends had found their Bishop and it looks amazing in their living room so, as I’ve worked on fiberglass projects in the past I seemed destined to get my hands on these 8 pieces and start my researches.

It is always possible that more than one set was cast as the moulds would have been hanging around for a while.

My friends near Portmadog have a Bishop which they have had restored and as there were three Bishops used in Timelash and one black one left at Pinewood, if only one set was cast, my bishop is very likely to have been used in Timelash.

Check out the photo of Silvia Anderson and Stan Lee taken at Pinewood. This shows the black pieces which were probably the last to leave Pinewood as a UFO fan filmed them at Pinewood some time in the '90s and they include a black bishop!

If possible we need to find out more about this scrap of video:

These look like the pieces with a matt black finish seen with Silvia & Stan above.

I’m getting help from ISSHADO and contacts at Pinewood.

I now have photos from Italy and the UK of the chess pieces in the compound but I’ve had confirmation that they are no longer there. So if they are still at Pinewood they are locked away somewhere.

The Italian photos show Two Matt Black Pawns, Matt Black Bishop, Two Matt Black Castles and a white Castle.

It’s also been pointed out to me that a Bishop is used in the film Sleuth (1972) and having viewed the clip I can see that the three pieces seen in the film Going For A Take are all used in the Sleuth scene. Both films are on YouTube.

I need to find out more about Going For A Take. 

Although it features the cast of The Double Deckers, this series was in the can by 1970 which indicates that the stone-effect chess men may have been used in an earlier production than Sleuth. However Going For A Take and The Double Deckers share a director so something unusual might have been going on.

So more info is turning up by the day but fresh eyes are always needed.

Somewhere out there the whole chess set may be dispersed.

Steve Mckay
L17 Limited


Addendum from Woodsy:

There is a reference to the 'Lewis Chess Pieces' in this and just noticed this piccy on Isoshado from 2007

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