Sunday, 29 September 2019


Just discovered this old auction on Todocollecion for this amazing Jeep Lunar, the large Spanish toy by Paya similar to the SpaceX Moon Buggy.

Everything about this version is different. The boxart is simply wonderful don't you think? It reminds me of Project SWORD!

The wheels are much slimmer and the astronaut is lot more primitive looking.

And its clockwork!

The more common and presumably later version of this toy by Paya was remote controlled. Its been on Moonbase many time. Just click the label Paya or Moon Buggy below.

I've also realised that this Buggy is the one pictured in the 1970 toy catalogue I blogged the other day.

What do you think of this Jeep Lunar new to the blog?


  1. Clockwork! That's awesome! I have a few clockwork model trains that I find fascinating...
