Thursday, 15 August 2019


My Grandson Moonbase Junior loves the planets in our system.

He's learnt all their names and what they look like. This has been helped along by songs on You Tube and at nursery.

Sadly the main song misses out Pluto. I know its been demoted to tea boy but it deserves to be in the song for old times' sake.

Fortunately his Mum has painted a mural of the solar system on his bedroom wall and it includes .... Pluto. Yay!

So Junior will grow up with Pluto like I did nearly 60 years ago! 

Did you Pluto?

1 comment:

  1. Most certainly.
    I firmly believe, in years to come, Pluto will be re-instated as a full planet, as I'll bet it drifted out from further in, and is not a captured Kuyper Belt object.
