Sunday, 25 August 2019


Another popular classic Stingray toy, the Lincoln International battery operated remote control version. In 1964 this was the ultimate Stingray toy.

This was a little more screen accurate than the Fairylite version, and has a revolving ratemaster, an illuminated cabin, aquasprite covers and ratemaster,forward and reverse motion using the attached remote control and an annoying 'asdic buzzer' (asdic being an early form of sonar to detect submarines)

Here's a comparison between the Lincoln International and the Fairylite Stingray toys.

A TV Century 21 competition offering a Lincoln International Stingray as a prize.

Lakeside toys also did a friction drive version of the toy, with less painted detail and a multi coloured ratemaster.


  1. I'd love one of these. Definitely the best Stingray toy of the period. Send me yours at once.

    1. Ha, ha! Sorry Kid, I'd prefer to hang on to it, but you're absolutely right of course, the best Stingray toy of the time.
