Friday, 30 August 2019


Of the remaining TV21 Summer extras I haven't mentioned this is a favourite. The 1967 Thunderbirds spring extra which heavily featured the movie. Thunderbirds are Go.
This featured a photo countdown of the Zero X take off, and a cutaway of the Zero X. This cutaway went on the feature in the Project SWORD annual in colour, so I did do an amalgam of the two pages together a long while back for a blog post.

The cover of the previous year's TV21 Thunderbirds Special.

There was also a Lady Penelope Summer Special too.

A bonus, and not TV21 related was the much sought after Lion comic Summer Spectacular Epic which was full of 1966 film features including James Bond and Thunderbirds are Go.

Also worth mentioning is the TV21 card cover magazine of the film, Thunderbirds are Go.


  1. Are they all from your personal collection, Scoop, or have you got the data disc with every issue? The Special that leads off the post looks like the one from the disc, with the lower banner cut off to hide the fact that the 'X' from Zero X is missing. Just wondering.

    1. They are a mixture, Kid. Although I have actual copies of each of these editions, and scanned them from my personal collection in the past, as I was on holiday when I posted them I had to search for my previous posts on my mobile internet, and some I couldn't find so I used some of pictures from Pinterest.

    2. I have six TV21 Specials, but I've also got a disc with every issue of TV21, which I sometimes use when I can't be bothered going to the effort of scanning my own issues. Same with Countdown and TV Action. When I put #59 on my blog, I used a disc, but mixed in some of the pages of my own issue when they were of better quality. Scanning can be such a time-consuming and tedious operation that I'll often use my data discs instead.

    3. I don't have any actual data discs, although I do have some digital copies on the computer. I've got a friend who has an A3 scanner so it's not too bad scanning TV21, otherwise I have to stitch them. There's quite a few TV21 story books I don't have as a digital copy, but luckily I do have physical copies of.

  2. I've got an A3 scanner myself, but TV21 double page spreads are still too big. I used to have something (forget the name) on my computer that would allow me to 'stitch' pages together, but I never learned how to use it, then lost it when my computer crashed and I had to get it repaired. That's when the discs come in handy. Scanning the occasional page is okay, but doing an entire issue of any comic wears me out, 'cos I sit at my computer, but have to stand to scan - even though my scanner is right next to my computer. Up and down, up and down - it tires me right out. And I'm always worried that I might damage a comic when I'm scanning it. The life of a blogger, eh?

    1. I know what you mean,Kid. I'm leaning more towards taking a photo of certain pages to illustrate a point, rather than scanning when it comes to blogging something.
