Sunday, 21 July 2019


After we'd done our gardening for an elderly friend and then done the weekly shop I found time for a few details on my mock-up LAMA.

Taking Wotan's advice I ditched the blue lego brick cockpit.

I tried to make a better cockpit blister from the corner of a tic-tac box but it didn't look any good.

The L.A.M.A lettering went smoother. I set it on a piece of sticky tape. Annoyingly it curled a lot when I peeled it off and I lost some of the M and two dots!

Cut to size and repaired with a permanent marker the lettering isn't too bad when stuck onto the body.

Like Iron Man said 'How did you solve the ice problem?'

Owing to my big barrel I still have a balance problem and when I solve that I'll be done!

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