Friday, 12 July 2019


As we build up to July 20th and the 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing UK TV and radio is positively bristling with lunar programmes.

With the moon so firmly on our minds I was fascinated by this list I came across on Wiki, the artificial objects to be found on the lunar surface. I was amazed how much there is!

For Tri-ang SpaceX fans there's a whole flotilla of Lunar Orbiters up there!

What do you think readers?

For me the most poignant object on the list and one new to me has to be the Fallen Astronaut, a small statuette left secretly by the Apollo 15's David Scott.

Its next to a commemorative plaque of the names of the fallen. 

The statuette is very simple and reminds me of a toy robot I had as a kid. For kids, stargazers, baby boomers and above all the fallen astronauts from the US and USSR it lies there in the dust staring at the sun waiting for Mankind's shadow to fall across it once more.

This is NASA's wonderful picture on Wiki.

Did you know about this statuette readers?


  1. Wow! I never knew about this!

    1. Neither did I Lewis. The story behind the statuette is fascinating - its artist too. Check it out on Wiki.

  2. Replies
    1. Me too Zigg. There's Moon Landing TV shows on every night this week and the weekend. Is it the same where you are?
