Wednesday, 24 July 2019


I saw Independence Day Resurgence the other night on TV.

Twenty years on in both real and film time everything is bigger and brasher yet its lost something in its time away.

The bearded President, the mad scientist, lanky Jeff Goldblum and his worried Dad try their best to recreate the '96 mojo but it doesn't work, even with the constant quotes from the first flick.

There can be no peace.

The new spaceship dogfights seem to be straight out of Star Wars and the Death Star battles.

There's so much going on all the time that nothing sticks. No-one shines and the massive ships descend without anyone standing wide-eyed in the front garden this time round.

I still enjoyed this sequel with its Harvester Queen and table tennis ball enemy but the original was a real watershed moment in the 90's. This isn't.

Am I being too harsh readers?

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