Saturday 29 June 2019


I  recently picked up a MPC kit of the USS Cygnus from the movie, The Black Hole, and I'm looking forward to get started on it.

Although it's not accurate, in that the model mould is missing a section of the hull for some reason, it still promises to look pretty good when completed.

So, to paraphrase Dr Reinhardt, it's time to open the box, I'm going in! 


  1. Have fun. I remember getting this back in 1980 from a seaside model shop in Bridlington. They also had the two robot kits - Maximilian and Vincent. Strngely never found the kits on sale anywhere else. Must have been my lucky day. It's a large kit, wish they'd made one of the Palomoino too.

    1. I'll certainly try, Yorkie.
      Dry fixing the parts together it is fairly long. I'm still contemplating how to paint it, not looking forward to detailing the girders.;)
      It is odd that MPC didn't do the Palomino, that would have made a nice kit.

  2. I had this back in the day, along with Max and Vincent. Max was a good kit, if a little innacurate as he looked a bit fat! The Cygnus is a big kit, I shoehorned some lights into the towers on mine, but made a complete dogs breakfast of it overall. Ive still gotbthe tiny Palomino that comes with it. Mat Irvine did an article onnit in Voyager magazine, painted gloss tellow overall and the girders picked out in black. The paint job from hell. I’d crack on with the Discovery instead!

  3. thats yellow, not tellow!

  4. Great looking ship, like a victorian greenhouse in space. Would not like to try abd build it though! I'd quite like a Vincent kit but they seem rare and sought after!

    1. I think its that gothic look that appeals to Kevin, quite unique.

  5. I know what you mean, Wote, painting it is definitely going to test my patience. I've been looking at some completed versions on line, and everyone has a different interpretation of the paint scheme.
