Wednesday, 12 June 2019


This is the Thunderbird 2 model by Atlas Editions that was given free to anyone who applied for their trial offer.

Sadly, this was the only model released as the proposed set of Thunderbird models was cancelled sometime later. Those who had shown an interest received explanatory letter and a pen.

It was a shame as the model was a  pretty good addition to my Thunderbird collection. It came in a flat green colour, and was very nicely detailed.

It’s about the same size as the Dinky Thunderbird 2, and comes with a removable pod 4 which even has some detail inside.

There’s also a tiny detailed Thunderbird 4, which looks perfectly in scale, being much smaller than the one that came with the Dinky toy. 

The only downside is there are no legs supplied so it can’t be displayed with the pod below and the ramp open. I don't suppose it would to too difficult to make set, though.

It does come with its own ‘in flight’ display stand though.

I noted at time that couple of people complained that the shape wasn't quite right, and the nose lettering was too large. They might have a point, getting the exact lines for TB2 was, and is always notoriously difficult, even the studio models didn’t all look the same.  I reckon it’s  just  be a simple case of nit- picking, either way, considering it was free I'm not about to complain.

The model came in a classy looking collector’s box, and a certificate of authenticity collector card, which contained info about Thunderbird 2. There was also a free International Rescue metal lapel badge.


  1. Nice shots as ever Scoop.
    I'm intrigued by your model palm trees. Where are they from ?

    1. Thanks Mish.The palm trees are the ones that come with the TAG Tracy Island toy.
