Friday, 14 June 2019



Love it or hate it, the new episodes of Thunderbirds are Go have got quite a few people talking.

Most fans appear to agree that last week's episode was an emotional roller coaster. Thunderbird 4 is destroyed, Gordon Tracy is badly injured and Brains' determines that the mysterious distress call that Braman endlessly repeats appears to originate from Jeff Tracy.

According to reports, Saturday's episode , 'Signals Part One', will feature the voice of Lee Majors as Jeff. The space pirates, Reece and Dobbs, who appeared in the second season episode, 'Ghost Ship' are also hinted to return.


  1. Got to say, I love the new TB4, I hope they recover/rebuild it!

    1. I pretty sure in will return in its original form, Kev. They have the title sequence and merchandise to consider. ; D

    2. Oh yeah, good point!

  2. I'm hoping Jeff tips up in the new Zero-X! hasn't TB4 been badly damaged before ?

    1. I'm hoping the same, Wote. I think the smart money is on Jeff returning in Zero X.
      Yes, Thunderbird 4 was previously crushed by The Mechanic. It was salvaged and repaired.

    2. Just watched the episode and it looks like Jeff may have been blasted into the Oort Cloud in perhaps the MEV or most of the Zero-X. Interesting that Kyrano Senior was mentioned too...

      Even in the earliest literature, its noted that Kyrano and Jeff were the best of friends even though they were opposites. [Jeff bordering on obsessive, and Kyrano meditative]. So the line about Kyrano essentially giving up on the loss of his best friend, would be consistent with the characters 1965 profile.

      I guess we shall see, but it would be really good to have both Jeff and Kyrano back on screen.

  3. Hold up Bill - I haven't watched it yet!

    1. That is a bit unfair Bill... When I posted, it had already been broadcast on terrestrial ITV. Their Social Media, [and the rest of the internet] was awash with a lot more than the very tiny amount I posted above.

      And more than anything, how was I to know you'd not watched it???

    2. Sorry Bill, my lame attempt at humour! I dont do social media, but I have watched it now and have to say the series has redeemed itself nicely!

    3. Absolutely! - I did the anorak thing and freeze framed the end titles. Noticed that Lee Majors heads the cast! So I really hope they have got Jeff back for good. As this would be a great epic story from TV21.

  4. Neither have I, I'm at Fab World at the moment, just bumped into Jamie Anderson in the carpark.

    1. You really should watch where youre going Mike!

  5. One thing that somewhat surprises me is that the show is still quite popular despite the year long break between episodes 9 Flame Out and 10 Deep Water of season 3. It was a nice episode although it had a couple of issues but immersion breaking.


    I'm quite shocked Jeff was able to stand and not be ripped off the top of ZX as he made his way into the MEV. Perhaps his boots and gloves have some sort of magna grip built in. Not sure how the escape capsule came down from the ceiling in the MEV as that would seem to indicate that the roof is way thicker than it looks. I think a better solution would have been for it to rise up out of the floor and then burst through the roof which oddly enough resealed the launch hole after the cover was blown off. John dropped the ball by not detecting a launch or ship heading towards the junkyard. That or Havoc's ship has that illegal cloaking system. Of course her ship must be around there somewhere since she made off in TB3, so no one is really stranded out there.

    I've also heard a rumor that there's to be another break in the episodes between 16 or 18 and the rest of the episodes but no idea why.

    Oddly enough during one of Jamie's podcasts, it is mentioned that Gordon spent time in the service of WASP before leaving to be part of IR full time. John's favourite show is Stingray as mentioned in the first episode when the com sat is brought back on line. Also we see in the previous 2 episodes the toy Stingray making circles in the aquarium. So obviously WASP was quite popular, enough so that they made a series based on it and a toyline of sorts. A real life pop culture hit that has become a pop culture hit inside another pop culture hit.

    Of course maybe we'll get a cameo or mention of Troy and company at some point, at least I can hope!

  6. It was amusing to see the signature lemon squeezer from TB1's original launch bay in the space junk!
