Wednesday, 22 March 2023

I Want Space Candy!

To continue the sweet-filled toy theme - a re-post of my earlier Space Fleet collection!
Sweet shops and newsagents very often were a source of space toys and in the 1980's, Swizzels Matlow conjured up a neat little sweet premium, which also doubled as a collectable toy.

Space Fleet 2000 was a delightfully cheap and simple product, a two piece blown vinyl container with a screw lid, containing mouth-shrivelling sherbet. The 'toys' were displayed in an open counter box, so you could easily choose your own and retailed for about 10p each, so were really inexpensive.
I would regularly raid the local newsagent and cherry-pick the space station units, to build a larger and larger model. The collar tags have survived over the years on a couple and I also managed to find a small leaflet, which gives details of a poster mail-away. I had a couple of the posters, but can't find them nowdays!
Oddly, Woodsy found these bagged variants by 'Sathers' on Etsy recently, alas too late for me to get them!

Its a long shot, but if anyone has a copy of the poster, or a counter box, I would love to see one again!