Monday, 24 June 2019

Brooke Bond Space Central cards


  1. Looks like WOTON is going into the tea marketing business on his own. Will that be loose tea or tea bags?

  2. Let's see the wallchart then!

  3. I'm a coffee man usually, but its going to be loose, I think. Nice and retro!

  4. Any plans to produce them?

  5. Hi Andy - the logistics of producing them would be a bit of a nightmare, but are not out of the question. It was Kevin mentioning that my Red Star In Orbit photos looked a bit like the Race into Space cards and i already had a lot of the stuff that I used on the Top Trumps set from a few years ago. It was just a bit of fun last night during a moment of boredom, but im sure Woodsy will want a 'blogsclusive' for the next anniversary, so I wouldn't rule them out. In order to get 50 cards, I'd have to share the set over Sword and Spacex, with a couple of honorary mentions like the Ranetta Submarine thrown in.

  6. Maybe do them as a download, so people print their own?

  7. Blogsclusive, yes please! Always a treat.

  8. Well a downloadable diy card set would be a lot easier to manage and wouldn't cost anything to acquire a set! Naturally Zero-X will feature, I just need to find artwork of the right style and shape for the cards. Leave it with me, where there's a Bill there's a way!
