Wednesday, 5 June 2019


Continuing my look at some of the photos I've taken with a 2001 flavour , here's a few snaps I took a while back of my Mafex red 2001 Astronaut figure.

This is my take on the notion that Bowman could somehow go back to the primeval appearance of T.M.A.0 and meet Moonwatcher. (who just happens to look a lot like that pot gorilla on my mantlepiece!)


  1. Thats a cool figure, shame the visor is blacked out, but I suppose that is a production work around to make it a simpler figure. Lovely photo, Moonwatcher looks a lot more at home there rather than the mantelpiece! Is there an Aries Moon Shuttle to come ?

  2. I actually like the blacked out visor Bill, it gives it an other worldlyness. Plus as the makers didn't have to pay silly money to use the actor's likeness it means the model isn't expensive. For the nit pickers it does have Clavius base rather than Discovery on the insignia but you have to have eyes like microscopes to spot it :D
    The next one should be the Moebius Discovery but it's still in bits yet. :)

  3. I wish they'd do an articulated Major Matt Mason figure like this, but obviously the helmet would still come off.

    1. That would be a good idea, no broken wires :)
      Didn't another company do a reissued version some years back?

  4. I wish they'd do an articulated Major Matt Mason figure like this, but obviously the helmet would still come off.

  5. A complete Matt Mason reissue would be fabulous, one of my all time favourite toys!

  6. Scoop - as to Discovery, are you doing the classic 2001, or the sulphur dusted yellow from the sequel? Is there a Leonov kit too?

    1. I'm doing the original version, Wote.I've not seen a Leonov kit, Moebius certainly don't do one. Their latest kit is a Pod.
