Saturday, 11 May 2019


Inspired by a sudden waxing of Moon Buggy's in the interverse I thought I'd have a go at making one myself. This plan is spurred on the vision that I am never likely to own the Tri-ang SpaceX Moon Buggy ever.

In keeping with other mock toys I've made over the years I intend to build the buggy from scratch using household items. Some of these are in my house and some will have to be brought in. 

I shall keep you posted on progress.

To remind readers which vehicle I'm going to attempt here's a piccy of the Moon Buggy with its Frankenstein-like astronaut.

Have you got one?


  1. What a coincidence! I think I was nattering to you recently about how this was one of those toys "that got away" for me as a kid! At a price tag of 5 Shillings (or was that 25 New Pence?) it was beyond the range of my pocket money when I saw it in a small Newsagent in Barnes Surrey. I dutifully saved up and when I went back it was... gone.
    Making your own is something I heartily approve of!
    I'll be watching your progress eagerly!

    1. That happens to me at outdoor sales Lewis. I hesitate, wander off, come back and the thing is ... yes, gone! When I finish this home made model I shall call it the Barnes Surrey!
