Saturday, 25 May 2019


There's no bread in the breadbin today so Missus Moonbase made pancakes for breakfast.

She's an early riser so the pancakes were stacked up by the time I got up.

Coffee. Pancakes with sugar. Mmmm. The food of the gods. Surely?

Do you agree, pancakes are the best?

How do you like yours?


  1. Sounds super-cali-fragil-istic-expi-ali-deli-cious Woodsy! What a lovely way to start a day.

    Strawberry jam and whipped cream to go is our traditional combo, and not without reason!

    1. I love your combo Arto! We have that sometimes too, with coffee, on an afternoon. Just finished the pancakes this morning, Sunday. Its raining hard so no car boot sales today! Drat! I bet your'e going to a fantastic sale somewhere eh!

  2. My uncle used to own and operate a restaurant,and he made a special M&M's pancake for kids.The M&M candies would partially melt during cooking and you wound up with a chocolaty,rainbow colored breakfast you wouldn't forget!

    1. Sounds like heaven Bri! We may have to try that for the Grandson! The local supermarket sells soft cookies with M&M's in. They're pretty damn tasty!
