Monday, 27 May 2019


Yesterday was a white knuckle ride on the workbench. 

It began well enough. I even found one of my first efforts to restore a die-cast toy from 25 years ago, a Das Pronto set of periscopes I made for an old die-cast Yellow Submarine. It was awful but I had fun making it!

What I actually needed were 8 wheels for my LT10. 

I looked in one bits box ...

I looked in another bits box .....

And found 4 old Spacex Cricket wheels. Flipping out the silver hubs I ended up with 4 decent black tyres.

Things got lairey when I tried to create axles using pins pushed into soft plastic.

I almost believed it was going to work...

But it just didn't. 

In the end I had to make a sort of box chassis to glue the axles to.

Anyway, after covering my fingers in superglue and losing part of my thumbprint this what the wheel housing looked like stuck to the main body.

Nearly done now. Phew!

 What do you think readers?


  1. Ah, Superglue, the taker of thumb prints.
    I think it's coming together nicely, Woodsy.
    The old Blue Peter team of Val, John, and Peter, would smile approvingly at your resourcefulness! :)

  2. Ta Tone. Yep, I wish I had one I made earlier! In the meantime I'm just trying to unglue my hands!

  3. A stirling effort Mr W! Although the front orange hull is still a tad too long!

    1. Cheers Wote. Can't do much about the hull now. i think if I saw a bit off all the other bits will drop off!
