Friday, 24 May 2019


Years before Star Wars there was this brilliant vision of a desert planet in space.

Its the card art for the SpaceX Apollo Tracker.

A toy I never had, there's just something Tatooine'ish about it.

Its its simplicity that I really love.

To find something similar in Star Wars I've opted for a still from the animated series of Droids but I imagine an early comic version of SW has simple colour illustrations of Tatooine in it too.

Have you any fave desert planet art or toys?

Has anyone been to the desert set where Tatooine was staged?


  1. Tatooine was filmed in Tunisia, the Lars homestead is an actual cave dwelling that has been preserved as a tourist attraction! I have to say im not a fan of Spacex 2 cards, the lovely photographs of the toys on the Stage 1 cards will always be a favourite

    1. I wonder if Star Wars tourists go all cosplayed up to Tatooine? Those Stage 1 Spacex photo's could do with an update!

  2. Clean graphics and a groovy color palette cover a lot of sins! Very nice! And its always good to see that iconic radar array again!

    1. I couldn't have put it better Zigg! Superb!
