Sunday 15 September 2024


A Bloggiversary treat, these were on Ebay years ago so I saved the pictures.

Lots of goodies here.


Nova Rockets, Quacky Duck Car, Spacex

James Bond style frogman

The robot is the Apollo Spaceman, released by many toy companies including Century 21 Toys. There's a great gallery of the different versions on Alphadrome.

Lovely shots of SpaceX toys

A big pile of carded SpaceX I

Tai Hing or T in a Circle toy assortment including the two SWORD forerunners, the Moon Prospector and the Moon Bus. Notice that these examples are without the SWORD emblems as they are pre-Century 21.

I've managed to pick up all of these Tai Hing toys over the years except the Moon Bus, a big gap in my SWORD fleet and the red and yellow Gemini capsule.

On the right is Blue Box. Of interest is the Astronaut action figure, which we've covered before on Moonbase.

Roxy toys showing cool artwork for two  of their SpaceX knockoffs. I don't believe that the space station is a Roxy toy that exists. Or?


Lion Rock is interesting here: I know the name from Little Big Man action figures. 

It also appears to embrace the Mego [Hong Kong] brand [not the super heroes one]. I know Mego from their Space Tract space glider toy.

Two space toys I'm not familiar with, although the big orange rover rings a bell.

Anyone know them?

Space Safari and Moon Scout

Scientific Toys or AA

Of interest here is the white rocket to the left. This is the forerunner of the Project SWORD Probe Force 2. There are also flip tumble cars and a large LEM.


LP or Lik Be


MAK'S, Tai Hing [T in a Circle] and Hover/ Hoover
[showing addresses]

The Tai Hing assortment includes two toys I've never seen under the T in a Circle brand: the rocket and the small blue boat. The list of toys they produced also includes items I'm unaware of like fancy goods and Beauty and Dressing Sets.

Anyone seen any?

I've seen the rocket before, maybe Nomura or Yonezawa. I assume Tai Hing's is plastic.

Anyone seen that rocket before?

See anything you like or have readers?


My friend Paul V covers the SpaceX, Polyline and LP section in much more detail on his fabulous SpaceX Toys website.


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand9/15/2024 7:20 pm

    I think I had that hard plastic Wild West Stagecoach, or one very similar. Must dig it out.

  2. The LP coverage is actually shown at the end of 'their' page here:

    That magazine I managed to get. Sadly the 1970 issue was sold before I found out about it but the seller allowed me to use his pictures.

    Best -- Paul V

  3. Amazing look into a lost world - so many pretty toys! SFZ
