Sunday, 21 April 2019


Its Easter night and after a long Easter weekend away with family the Missus and me are back home and quite knackered as they say in the horse trade.

There were no collectables to be had to be honest I wasn't looking. We did go to a garage sale, which is an unusual thing I think here in northern England. It was a huge sale spilling out of the garage and into a very large yard. Mostly gardening implements and books, there was nothing to take my fancy.

I did heft a long plastic toy sword in a toy shop looking for last minute Easter nik naks for our Grandson. It was fun to draw it from its long scabbard like I would have done in the Sixties as a Knight-mad kid. I adored wearing my plastic silver breastplate, wearing my knight's helmet and brandishing a huge toy broadsword in the garden! Somewhere I have a photo of part of this get up.

Easter always make me think of old TV as it was on Easter Monday that we watched Disneytime at 6pm. Do you remember it?

Lost in time now, there are a couple more TV programmes which seem to be just stirrings in the mists of my memory.

One was something called UFO Milton Keynes or something like that. I can't recall a thing about this programme. Milton Keynes was a new town in England, made from scratch last century I think. I visited it when I was studying urban conservation as it was a modern example of how to manage green corridors for wildlife in towns. I imagine the UFO idea came from the fact that it was brand a brand new town. There may have been a large pyramid involved too.

Another TV programme I can't remember was something like A Weekend in the Country or similar. It was about a group of town lads maybe from Liverpool who were taken to North Wales, I think, on a weekend stay in a log cabin or chalet. they were out of their element and I'm pretty sure one of them fed a Blackbird chick some Mars Bar!

Do these ring any bells?

I'm sure there are more swirls in my TV fog but that's it for now. 

Happy Easter Monday to come!


  1. Interesting reminiscences from the mists of yore, Woodsy. I would love to know what UFO Milton Keynes was about.

    A propos Easter and old TV, our national broadcaster YLE made a mighty deed by showing Thunderbirds Are GO (1966) on Saturday night. It's been a while since the last airing of vintage Thunderbirds in Finland.

    1. Wow Arto! Thunderbirds Are Go on TV! As close as we'll ever get to a Project SWORD film, starring the great Zero-X! Fantastic! What a treat.

  2. Perhaps this one?

    1. That's it! You've got it Arto! Space Station Milton Keynes! I may have to track it down to watch now! Thanks a bunch! TV detective Arto!
