Friday, 12 April 2019


I've been looking for Mortoys online of late.

They made the wunderbar Six in One toy set based on SpaceX and Gerry Anderson vehicles.

In my searches I came across this real gem on Worthpoint, new to me and new to the blog I think.

Mortoys Space Buggy.

The only other time I've seen this vehicle was as a model kit originally by Monogram in 1959, the Space Taxi as displayed on the excellent Fantastic Plastic site

It's really ambitious I feel for Mortoys to make this, a Willy Ley design, into a battery operated plastic toy.

It came with two 'floating' astronauts and a hunk of lunar surface, which I assume the toy orbited over by way of a rod I can see in the box.

All in all a gorgeous toy!

What do you think readers?

Anyone got one?

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree, Woodsy. Never knew about this one, thanks for bringing it to our attention. A must-have!

    I was lucky to find the original Monogram Space Taxi kit just last year, but as unassembled it will be preserved as such. This Mortoys version would make a wonderful companion.
