Tuesday, 9 April 2019


I've noticed recently the rise of the unicorn.

Unicorns appear to be everywhere!

Its clearly a new craze and it came home on Saturday when my Grandson sprinkled sugar unicorns onto a cake we'd baked with his Mum. It was called Unicorn Confetti!

But its the mixing of unicorns and excreta that had me staring in wonder. In a Smyths toy catalogue I saw that kids can buy Unicorn poop sets. Yep. Poop!

It can be shaped and sprinkled! 

This has to be the new baseline. Toy poo that can be jazzed up! For all I know it can be eaten! I don't know because I imagined a dreadful version of Action Man and had to stop reading!

Continuing this look at the popularity of waste materials I have come to realise that what I called wee in my youth has now been firmly supplanted by pee.

As far as I recall saying pee was swearing when I was a kid. As was fart [for which we said buff or trump]. These words now appear to be the accepted currency among kids and adults.  is this the normal deflation of language readers or a sign of the so-called dumbing down sweeping the known world?

So. Unicorns. Poo. Pee. Its all here on Moonbase!


  1. I hear what you're saying, Woodsy. Swearing was a no-go-area in my childhood home. I picked up new and interesting words and phrases from more streetwise kids when I went to 'big school'. Even then I wouldn't dare repeat them in front of mum or dad. They were old-school polite and considerate people, as many from that generation were. I guess they expected the same from me. I rarely swear today, but I suppose being laid back helps... most of the time :)

    1. I know what you mean about our generation Tone. Bloody was considered swearing back then. I hear kids saying it a lot now and much worse. Pee has definately taken over wee and fart is the official term even among teachers. I swear at home I'm afraid, in private. All that pent up emotion!

  2. I heard a Newsnight presenter say "F***", from an off the record quote by a politician, the other night. And today, a Radio 4 presenter said "A**e" on the Six O'clock News.
    I think after Trump (the American President, not the Northern 'fart') and Brexit, the world's just become a lot more uncivil.

    1. I agree Mish. Its suddenly OK to be mean to everyone.
