Wednesday, 17 April 2019


Me and the Missus did a local car boot stand last Wednesday.

No vintage toys I'm afraid. Just clutter and junk, which fortunately other people enjoy.

Alas, my old golf clubs came home.

Have you stood at a car boot sale or fleamarket?


  1. We've been sellers at various car boots over the years, Woodsy. Although I've never made a fortune out of it. Likewise, I've never had any ace finds which get anywhere close to your amazing Mars Attacks bull's-eye. I still want to believe that these treasures turn up from time to time.
    After taking a break for 4-5 or so years, we plan to set up stall again this summer :)

    1. It was a one off Tone, Mars Attacks, although it was Sindy who really stole the show a few years later. What a find that was. But no great shakes since alas and that was years ago! I;m just enjoying rediscovering car booting myself with the Missus. I'm sure you'll have loads of fun this summer Tone. Make sure you have a good flask!
