Monday, 29 April 2019


Did you like bookmarks as a kid?

I used to like getting them from the library. There were usually loads.

Sometimes they were laminated and given to me as a gift.

I also enjoyed using the string bookmark that was stitched into bog books like the Readers' Digest Book of Myths and Legends. Very handy those stringy ribbons.

Nowadays I've got into a bad habit of turning over the corner of a book I'm reading, especially old paperbacks like a dog's ear. 

I can't imagine bookmarks being collectable but you never know. Did you use them readers? Do you now?


  1. I'm the other way round, I folded pages as a kid and use bookmarks now!

    1. Very sensible Kev. My dog ears do look scruffy!

  2. I shared Kevin's trend as a corner folding kid. These days I use bookmarks, Woodsy. Even improvised ones. I like making page markers cut from redundant greetings cards. It's a satisfying way to get additional use from disposable greetings cards before posting them in to the recycle bin :)

    1. Very eco-freindly Tone. I like your recycled bookmarks. A great idea.

  3. I have a couple of bookmarks that I use on a regular basis. One is from Gorblimey Press, drawn by Barry Windsor Smith. The other came with a used book purchased through Amazon which is advertising for the used book dealer. Back in the 70's I had a number of gold embossed leather bookmarks that were being produced in the UK as souvenirs from different places such as The Tower of London. I seem to have misplaced all of those.

    1. I remember those embossed leather bookmarks Terran. There maybe one in an old book of my parents somewhere here. The ends were frazzled I seem to recall. Thanks for the pictures of your Gorblimey press bookmarks. I shall blog them asap. I remember reading about Gorblimey in the Studio book.

  4. I usually get bookmarks as gifts.Two of my favorites are lenticular with dinosaur murals.They have a deep 3D effect.Very cool looking.

    1. Lenticular. That's a great word Bri! I recall my Waverley ring that came with Man from Uncle Corgi car was Vari-Vue, another word for lenticular.

  5. When I was a kid I had always tried to read a whole book "at once" or whe doing small breaks in reading - puting the book face down.
    I remember that at grade school we all had "technical lessons" doing simple things from yarn, wood etc. Not sure if I still have a handwaved bookmark that we all had to make back then.

    1. That's very crafty of you Ran, a weaved bookmark. As for reading a whole book at once, I only remember doing it once. I was 17 and read Fire From Heaven on the floor in front of a gas fire one winter in the Seventies. I read it through the night and didn't go to college the next day! It was about spontaneous combustion.

  6. I have kept a pretty detailed book diary from the early 70's, which is why I did not use neither bookmarks nor dog ears but instead a blank piece of note paper with dates and remarks. What started as a bit pedantic endeavour as a kid has become in these 45+ years a valuable resource, preserving the timeline and details already once forgotten.

    1. What a superb thing Arto, a journal from your youth. There is something wonderful about hearing from our younger selves. I like to read my old diaries now and then.

  7. I have done the same, from January 1st 1979!

    1. You too! What do you record Kev?

    2. Everything that happens to me except anything work-related (since that just gets in the way of life!). I normally steer clear of 'news' type events too, just my own furrow!
