Friday, 8 March 2019


I'm a great fan of the X-Men and have spent many a happy time discussing the highs and lows of the film series [I only remember the early comics].

One of my fave discussions with anyone interested is the mutant class numbering system and in particular who is a class 6 mutant. Ultimate powers are hugely attractive to me for some reason and I'm looking forward to the Phoenix movie this summer. I am always amazed to see Iceman in the 'official' listings, but then again he is able to freeze the world and not just his bourbon.

Another fun discussion is what my super power would be if I or others I know were X-men. What would my names be?

I can only speak about myself so here goes with my possible names and powers:

LARYNX - because I never stop talking and could talk enemies to verbal death.

DIGESTION - because I'm always hungry and could eat anything anytime anywhere and would starve my foes. There would be nothing left.

JAMAS - because I love wearing pyjamas and could easily loaf my foes into submission. 

HICCUP - because I have the most violent hiccups known in Mutant Land. They're loud and dramatic and make Wolverine cry.

SNEEZE - because I have the loudest sneeze around, guaranteed to momentarily stop Magneto even thinking of doing anything.

What would your X-names be readers and why?


  1. Zed... As I can sleep for mankind and would bore my enemies to sleep while they wait for me to wake up!

    1. ha ha, like it Bill. Our names are starting to sound like the Seven Dwarfs! ha ha. Sleepy, Sneezey and the rest of the Disney gang! Maybe they were X-men!

  2. Mayor Handsome. Why? Well, modesty forbids.)

    (NURSE! He's away again.)

    1. ha ha, you must be friends with Prince Charming Kid, that other modest fellow!

    2. 'Mayor'? That should obviously be 'Major'. And that Prince Charming fella is only half as charming (and as modest) as me. ('Mayor'?)

    3. I thought you actually meant Mayor Kid as in Mayor of the town! I quite like Mayor Handsome. He's mates with Bruce Vain!

  3. According to my better half, I'd probably be 'The Skipper', Woodsy - fearlessly submerging into filthy and dangerous refuse skips, to rescue abandoned old toys and things :)

    1. ha ha, love it Tone. You would bury your foes in a retro heap of plastic and vinyl! In the US you'd be the Dumpster!
