Sunday, 17 March 2019


Hello Woodsy

In response to recent posts on Moonbase here are the following;

While looking for Batman figures, 

I came across Harry Potter metal figures and bought a couple which I may one day give my daughter.

I had no interest in Harry Potter having read the two first books when my daughter did as they were released. Like Tolkien, too many silly names to remember which dulls my interest.

Regarding Supercar, I think I bought a Budgie one as a gift back in the 60's and a few years ago bought a smaller version which I have temporarily based on my train layout.




  1. Regarding the Johnny Lightning Supercar, T47, they reissued it a few years later with the correct colour of wings and the word 'Supercar' on either side of the front. Wish it'd had a Mike Mercury figure though.

    1. That is a cool looking supercar Terran and thanks for the update Kid. I never had any Johnny Lightning cars as a kid and never bought any new ones. I'm missing out by the looks of it.

    2. The JL Supercars came out when we were adults, Woodsy (around 10 years or so ago, can't remember exactly), so neither of us would've had them as kids. Jump over to my blog and cop a look at the 1960s friction-drive Supercar I've just acquired.

    3. I shall have a gander. Ta Kid.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That supercar in the garage reminds me of how lots of Gerry Anderson prop vehicles have in fact been found in garages and barns! Not sure about supercar itself. Wonder what happened to the model/models from the TV series?

  4. I am seeing a lot of these nanofigs around in stores these days,Terranova.I was in Walmart the other day and I saw a Terminator figure about the same size.I don't know if it was the same brand or if it was made of metal or not,but it did grab my attention.I have a huge tote box filled with army men-sized figures.Spacemen,monsters,sword and sorcery,that sort of thing.Some are new,others are as old as 40 years.Im always looking to add to this collection!

    1. SWord and Sorcery figures look great Bri though I've never collected them.
