Tuesday, 5 March 2019


I smelled something today that took me right back.


TCP I recall was a yellow antiseptic bottled liquid that was used to treat sores, bruises and cuts especially on small kids. My Mum daubed my own lacerations liberally and I remember shrieking as the stuff made contact on my skin. It absolutely killed!

The smell was a cocktail of Savlon, Dettol, Jades Pine Disinfectant, Lucozade, Elastoplast and a good slug of hospitals. It always made me think of spots and zits for some reason.

That's what i thought of today, spots and zits.

Were you a TCP child?


  1. Yes, I think in every country on the Planet,there is a concoction for dressing minor cuts and scrapes that strikes fear into the hearts of children.In my corner of the world it was Mercurochrome,which like it's sting,glowed a bright orange on the skin.There was an older,slightly less painful liquid called Iodide Tincture which is probably closer to your TCP,at least in color.I actually would refuse the dressing, sometimes going as far as risking a nasty red infection.Nowadays,I bathe in antiseptic and wrap up like a mummy at the slightest blemish,shame on me.

    1. ha ha, that made me chuckle a lot Brian 'wrap up like a mummy'! I'm surprised those potions you mention don't have snappy names like Cut-U-Rite or something. I always love US names for brands. Pepto-Bismol is another stuff I associate with America. Is it really like it is in the movies, folks guzzling pink liquid?

    2. Yes, Pepto is a staple in my medicine cabinet.I just learned that the name is derived from Pepto's active ingredient,a mineral called Bismuth.It has a soothing effect on the stomach lining,and the medicine tastes like mint.Bismuth the stone can be polished and worn as jewelry.It is pink with facets of yellow just like the Pepto Bismol logo!How's that for useless information? ;p

    3. I love useless information Bri! ha ha. So basically Pepto is like drinking liquid stone! I think its called Gaviscon here in Blighty. That's pink too - but could be white - and the bottles are getting bigger!

  2. Yep and still got a bottle. Lasts forever. It's still around in the shops today too. I can also remember the smell of germoline cream.

    1. I remember Germolene ... and Calamine .. but not the smells Yorkie. They are so hard to describe aren't they, smells. Like tastes. Jayes Pine Disinfectant I do recall, the niff too. It was in our outside loo. Reeked of forests!

  3. By the way this captcha test the site uses takes about 10 attempts to pass. Bit of a pain. :)

    1. Do you know, I thought I'd turned that thing off. I shall have to check. Sorry its such a pain.

  4. I found that if I signed in on google, I no longer had any tests before commenting.

    1. Amazing Kev! I remember when you had loads of problems commenting! Touch wood!
