Thursday, 28 March 2019


Do you collect bottles and pots readers?
Have you dug anything up?


  1. I collect a little of just about everything. I have a few Coca Cola bottles from before the name was printed on them in white - it was in 'bas-relief' or something like that. Truly the Coke bottle is a thing of rare splendour.

    However, never mind all that, Woodsy - jump over to my blog and cop a gander at my JR21 TB2.

    1. I collect a little of just about everything! I love that line. A contender for a book title if ever there was one Kid! I like Coke bottles as well and the taste of the stuff from glass is indeed the real thing. I always thought Pepsi was cooler all round as a kid but now I'm not sure I'd know the difference in taste. Certainly the bottles and logo's were both different.

    2. The Pepsi bottles had their own charm, Woodsy, and when I was a teenager, I would drink Coke or Pepsi with no preference as to the taste. I eventually moved more into the Coca Cola camp because it was a little more prominent in the shops for a while, but nowadays I tend to drink Pepsi Max (trying to keep the weight down) as it has more of a taste than Coke Zero. (Taste Zero I call it, though it's not too bad when it's chilled.) Most soft drinks always taste better from a glass bottle than they do a can, though when cans were made of tin instead of aluminium, the difference was perhaps not quite so pronounced.

    3. I know what you mean about the two tastes Kid. Looking back I think the coolness of Pepsi in my youth were the colours of the pepsi logo, red white and blue if I recall right. It just looked like the American flag and America was cool back then with its comics, music and all.

  2. I've a few old bottles as well, Woodsy. I wish I could say I unearthed them myself... well I sorta did, at car boots.
    Nonetheless, I like them, so I pretend I dug them up myself if people ask.
    Do I feel bad about it?... Nah :)

    1. Don't bottle it up Tone, let it out! ha ha

  3. Thats a lovely thing Brian, wonder what it contained ? ive got a similar one for clock oil, stoppered with a cork.

  4. Maybe spice of some kind I would guess
